Parent/Caregiver Workshop
“Why does my child behave this way?”
For a school to successfully adopt restorative and trauma-informed practices, parents and caregivers must be treated as partners in the process. This workshop can be customized as an introductory 2-hour presentation or an ongoing series of trainings for the caretakers of your school’s students. By exposing parents and guardians to the same techniques that we teach educators in our Restorative Practices and Love & Logic workshops, we dramatically improve the success rate of a school culture shift.
Parents/Caregivers will learn:
What types of behaviors are developmentally appropriate for their child’s age group
The science behind toxic stress and the impact on the adolescent brain
Techniques to build better relationships with their children
How to avoid power struggles and train their children to own and solve their problems
How to restoratively repair harm in the home
Mindfulness techniques to practice with their children in order to relieve stress and foster stronger connections